The Early Years Programme
Kindergarten for ages 3-6 years
Early Years (Pre-School)
At AIS our aim is to provide the best possible learning experiences for young children (3-6yrs). As students progress through the programmes they continually build upon and develop their independence, self confidence and sense of responsibility for their learning, providing them with a learning continuum that prepares them emotionally, socially and intellectually for the more formal environments of the main school.
The flexibility of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) allows teachers to encourage and develop each child’s individual interests. The IB PYP in the Early Years acknowledges that young children are constructing their own meaning and provides a framework that gives support for them to be active learners and inquirers, whilst nurturing their basic skills and needs, providing a sound beginning to the continuum of learning that goes on throughout the Primary Years.
How does the PYP in the Early Years compare to other early childhood learning approaches?
The PYP framework is compatible with many other early childhood learning approaches including Montessori, Reggio and Waldorf.
Relationships, play, symbolic expression, learning environment and learning experiences are important components for learning in the PYP and many early childhood programmes. The PYP also provides the added dimension of international mindedness within a quality assured and research informed framework for early learners.

Contact us today:
Early Years Campus (aged 3-6) PYP1-3 (Kindergarten)
Dalgas Avenue 12
8000 Aarhus C
For Parents Only:
Should you need to get in touch with our kindergarten staff concerning pick up and drop off, please call the direct line here: +45 31 51 98 85

Early Year’s Philosophies
Research tells us that young children learn through their experiences, through their play and interactions with each other and the environment they construct meaning and make sense of the world around them. In the Early Years play is essential in supporting children’s learning and development. Play occurs in both indoor and outdoor environments. It provides a context for them to feel comfortable, express themselves and satisfy their natural curiosity. In play children can learn in a variety of ways as they engage socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually with each other, adults and the environment. Play in a safe and secure environment allows children to try new things, take risks, and solve problems and master learning situations. Teachers use these opportunities to reinforce social aspects such as caring for others, fairness, and personal responsibility.
Learning is all about building on prior experiences. For young children many of these experiences have taken place at home or within the family; therefore, the link between home and school is essential and communication is vital. At AIS our caring and highly trained professional staff will inform you of your child’s progress and development regularly as well as providing information regarding our programme.
Measuring Student development
AIS’ Early Years Programme is recognized by Aarhus Kommune as a private Børnehave or kindergarten programme. Aarhus Kommune requires that there is an ongoing dialogue between the parents and the teachers/pedagogical staff regarding the child’s development across six specific areas, including:
- Versatile personal development
- Social development
- Communication and language
- Body, senses and movement
- Nature, outdoor life, and science
- Culture, the aesthetic and community
These topics are currently naturally addressed throughout the AIS Programme of Inquiry within specific Units of Inquiry in PYP1, PYP2 and PYP3. Classroom teachers will provide parents with ongoing feedback in these areas through the scheduled conferences and reporting structures.
In Early Years, we continually, monitor our students progress throughout the school year. There will also be a focus on Approaches to Learning (ATL) skill assessment to ensure that we support and help the students in reaching age-appropriate milestones as well as academic learning outcomes.
Through observations, play-based activities, notes and formative/summative assessments we record student progress. The students reflect daily on their learning to help them understand and construct meaning from the learning experiences they encounter. Their ideas, thoughts and curiosity are highly valued, and this is the means in which we drive our inquiry-based programme.
Example of a PYP1 class schedule