Life in Denmark

Our Community

Moving to a new country, a new city and even a new school can be daunting. There are lots of things you might need to sort out, before you even make it to the new place.

As an International School, we understand how confusing the process can be. Not only because most of our students and families are international, but also a lot of our staff.

We have put together some useful links and guides to help you settle into your new Aarhus life.

In order to live or work in Denmark, you must first register for residence. The rules under which you can register differ depending on your citizenship status. Please follow the link above to find out more to make sure you complete the correct form.

In general

EU Citizens: Fill out the application form OD1

For non-EU Citizens: Fill out the work permit relevant to your case

Your life in Denmark will be connected to a CPR card – this is your central personal registration number. With this number (sometimes refered to as your yellow card or sygsikringsbevis), you will be able to open bank accounts, register for a gp and gain access to mobile and internet services.

*Please note that you cannot apply for a cpr number unless you have a residential address in Denmark. 


IMPORTANT: You must book an appointment with the municipality (SIRI) before showing up to register. This can take some time so do this as early as possible. You will likely have to bring multiple forms of identification. Please check with SIRI when booking what documentation you will need to bring.

Once you have obtained your residence permit and cpr number, you should also register for your mitID. This is a 2 factor authentification system using an app (alternatives are available should you have difficulties with using apps), so that you can safely log on to many official services. 


One such service is the Digital Post and eboks. You will also need to register for these applications. All official documentation including payslips and child documentation will come to your eboks or Digital Post. 

Dalgas Campus 

Dalgas Avenue 12
8000 Aarhus C

Admissions office:

Here is a little guide to settling into Denmark made by our PTA