Learning outside the Curriculum:
A Global Education
Global Education & Global Citizenship Education
One of the major benefits to being at an IB International School, is the global mindset and international-mindedness that runs alongside the academic curriculum. At AIS, this is all about:
– Fostering Respect and Inclusivity
– Creating Caring and Environmentally-concious citizens
– Empowering learners with the tools to face global challenges
– Building Knowledge to create Meaningful Engagement in the world

Early Years (aged 3-6) PYP1-3 (Kindergarten)
Bushøjvænget 133
8270 Højbjerg
Dalgas Campus (aged 6-16) PYP4-MYP 5
Dalgas Avenue 12
8000 Aarhus C
Admissions office:
Action is a core part of our PYP, which teaches student agency (highly valued in Danish education) and International-mindedness (highly valued in IB learning). It teaches students to be responsible, caring and respectful – our own school core values – and empowers learners to make good choices for the benefit of their communities.
Read about how students at AIS demonstrate Action in their communities
Festivals & Events
At AIS, we are priviliged to house over 40 different nationalities under one roof. This means we have many opportunities to celebrate and share in each other’s culture.
Our inquiry-based curriculum, gives ample opportunity for students to learn about themselves and their classmates.
Throughout the year, we also host a number of major celebrations:
– Diwali
– Lunar New Year
– Eid & Ramadan
– Pancake Day
– Halloween
– Santa Lucia
– International Festival
International Mindedness
In accordance with Aarhus International School and the IB’s mission statements, an integral area of focus in our Primary Years Programme is the development of international mindedness. International mindedness is “a view of the world in which people see themselves connected to the global community and assume a sense of responsibility towards its members. It is an awareness of the interrelatedness of all nations and peoples, and is a recognition of the complexity of these” (IBO, 2018, “The Learning Community”). One of the unique features of our PYP is that students are encouraged to identify and celebrate diversity, and they are given ongoing opportunities to explore the world from a variety of viewpoints and lenses.
At AIS, our school community is comprised of a rich mix of cultures, languages, traditions and learners. Our students bring with them a wealth of experiences and knowledge, as they progress through their international journey. By learning how to interact with, accept, and understand others who are different from themselves, our students are building the foundation for a collaborative understanding that they can carry through their educational, and professional, careers. Equally important for our young learners, is their journey to understand themselves, their history and culture, their beliefs and traditions. As students are guided through a process to help them identify these things, they learn to understand themselves and their role in the world around them. The unique combination of developing in these two areas, allows our students the opportunity to understand and reflect upon international mindedness – what it means on an individual level, but also what it means to the school community as a whole.
At AIS, we use both the learner profile attributes and the approaches to learning (ATL) as a guide in this process, as these things provide the foundational skills and dispositions for the development of international-mindedness. Further, we support the definition of an internationally minded learner as a learning who:
- is a competent communicator
- is open-minded and knowledgeable
- is a caring and principled thinker
- uses his or her curiosity and research skills to inquire about the world
- thinks and reflects critically about opportunities and challenges
- takes action for positive changes (for example, to promote intercultural understanding, foster caring relationships, to care for self and others)
- takes risks to further self-development and understanding of others
(Boix Mansilla and Jackson 2011; Oxfam 2015; Singh and Qi 2013; UNESCO 2015).
(IBO, 2018, “The Learning Community”)