After-School Activities

What is ASA?


ASA is the after-schools activity programme (similar to SFO in Danish schools). The programme consists of different activities for students to take part in, that help foster and stimulate social skills for students. It is a childcare provision that is offered after your child normally finishes their school day, but no later than 5pm each day.

ASA is also offered during the school holidays (following a sign up) throughout the year.

Depending on the class your child(ren) are in, will depend on which ASA provision is available to them, and what dates childcare is offered.

Aarhus International School – AIS

Pedagogical Goals

We learn through play.

The After School Activities at Aarhus International School is a daily after-school program that aims to provide high-quality, holistic childcare through a variety of activities and clubs, to enable PYP4-8 students to enjoy, grow, and develop their personal, social, and emotional interests and needs in a safe, supportive environment.