Life after AIS
After completing the MYP programme at AIS, students have several options for their post-16 education.
Continuing in the IB
The IB Diploma is a natural progression from the MYP programme, offering a choice of six academic subjects to a high level, an extended essay building on work done in the Personal Project, a Theory of Knowledge course and the Community, Action, Service component (CAS).
Contact us today:
Dalgas Campus
Dalgas Avenue 12
8000 Aarhus C
Admissions office:
Continuing in a Danish Upper Seconadary Programme
The MYP Certificate, which will be awarded to all successful AIS students, is accepted as a post-16 entrance requirement, not only at IB Diploma schools around the world, but also in many national systems, including the US, India, Japan and the UK.
Beyond the option to continue in the IBDP, students from AIS also have a wide range of options and can choose to move into an upper secondary education programme in a Danish gymnasium (STX, HF, HTX, HHX, EUD, EUX) or take a 10th grade year/10.klasse at a Danish efterskole. This is especially relevant for students Danish A students, who will finish MYP5r with their prøvebevis i faget dansk. Please note that at AIS we do not complete the full package of the folkeskolens afgangsprøver. Therefore, as a part of the application process to a Danish gymnasium, students will be required to attend an interview and written test as a part of the acceptance process from the receiving gymnasium. Students will be guided through this process by the team at AIS and a close collaboration with our local UU Vejleder, or Youth Educational Counsellor.
See where previous AIS graduates go
Most of our students continue in the IB onto the Diploma Programme, in their chosen subjects. Their foundation at AIS opens many opportunities for further higher education after the Diploma Programme, where our AIS graduates have gone on to study at notable universities at home and abroad, including Cambridge University.