Early Years at AIS

Kindergarten for ages 3-6 years

Early Years (Pre-School)

At AIS our aim is to provide the best possible learning experiences for young children (3-6yrs). As students progress through the programmes they continually build upon and develop their independence, self-confidence and sense of responsibility for their learning, providing them with a learning continuum that prepares them emotionally, socially and intellectually for the more formal environments of the main school.

The flexibility of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) allows teachers to encourage and develop each child’s individual interests. The IB PYP in the Early Years acknowledges that young children are constructing their own meaning and provides a framework that gives support for them to be active learners and inquirers, whilst nurturing their basic skills and needs, providing a sound beginning to the continuum of learning that goes on throughout the Primary Years.

Contact us today:
Early Years Campus (aged 3-6) PYP1-3 (Kindergarten)

Dalgas Avenue 12
8000 Aarhus C

Admissions office:

Margaret Kristensen, EY & PYP Principal


For Parents Only:
Should you need to get in touch with our kindergarten staff concerning pick up and drop off, please call the direct line here: +45 31 51 98 85