H1 Title How we learn
H2 Title Primary years (4-8 years)
H3 Title Primary Years (Primary School)
AIS’s International Baccalaureate’s Primary Years inspired programme (PYP 4-8) provides our school with a philosophy and curriculum framework, which aims to combine the best research and practice from a range of national systems with the wealth of knowledge and experience in international schools.
The PYP focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the world outside. It is an international, transdisciplinary programme designed to foster the development of the whole child.
The PYP focuses on the total growth of the developing child encompassing social, physical, emotional and cultural needs in addition to academic welfare.
The most significant and distinctive feature of the IB inspired Primary Years Programme is the six transdisciplinary themes. These themes are about issues that have meaning for, and are important to, all of us. The programme offers a balance between learning about or through the subject areas, and learning beyond them.

H5 Title Addresses:
H6 Title Early Years (aged 3-6) PYP1-3 (Kindergarten)
Bushøjvænget 133
H6 Title Dalgas Campus (aged 6-16) PYP4-MYP 5
Dalgas Ave 12
8000, Aarhus C