Aug 20, 2024 | All News, Middle School

MYP 5 IB Exam results 2024

Our MYP5 students have rocked their exams once again!

It is beginning to sound a little bit repetitive, how proud we are of our MYP 5 IB results. But we are!

Every year, our students are scoring consistenly high marks across the board. We have already shared with you the phenominally high Danish A exam results, and the rest of the exam results were not to disappoint. As you can see, 85% of marks across all subjects scored a 5 or higher, with just under 25% being the top mark of 7. That pretty much equals our results from last year, proving not only are our students good, but they are consistently good. 

Noticable here too is the improvement of languages this year. Our Danish A students scored well about the nation (and in some cases international) averages of Danish language learning. In German Proficient – that is to say German language acquisition for a non-native learner, the average mark was 7. Equally in English, we saw an improvement in both aspects of Language and Literature and Language Acquisition.