We are very proud to announce the once again impressive exam results from our MYP 5 leavers.
AIS is proud of its continued high academic achievements. We are immensely proud of all the hard work last year’s MYP 5 put into their studies and dedication to learning, and this is reflected in their very impressive exam results. They should be incredibly proud of themselves, as all of their teachers are too.
Overall average
As you can see from the graphs, the AIS average (in red) in nearly all subjects matches or exceeds the world average. In some cases, this is by a whole point more. In particular, German, Humanities, Maths, PE and Design show very impressive outcomes, and the core subjects of Math, English and Science are all well above average. It is a fantastically high achievement, as the students performed, on average, better than most students in the IB system worldwide.
Performance in Danish
The Danish results similarly produced some very impressive results. Students achieved a high average across the three different aspects of the Danish exam (writing, reading and oral performance), and in particular we can see that their writing and their oral performance skills scored a mark of 7 or above – that means they received the top 3 marks. Even more impressive is the 56% of students who received the top mark of 12 in their oral performance – a phenomenal achievement and a testament to the hard work and dedication of students and our Danish department.
Overall grades achieved
Individual scores have also produced amazing results with nearly all students achieving a grade score of 5 or above, with almost 25% of students attaining the highest mark of 7 and just under 50% of students attaining the top 2 marks of 7 and 6 across all subjects. This is phenomenal.
Congratulations to all MYP 5s students on your amazing results!