PYP 7 Ocean Wave Plastic Waste Competition Winner

PYP 7 won a trip around Aarhus harbour for their artistic entry of an ocean wave made from recycled plastic

When Ms Faith came into the school office one day at the beginning of June to let everyone know that PYP7 have won, we were all excitedly pleased. When Ms Faith then revealed the prize they had won, we were bowled over.


In June 2023, as part of the Ocean Race stop over in Aarhus, a competition was put out to schools in Aarhus to build an ocean wave made only from recycled plastic. It was in both celebration of the Ocean Race boats that spent 2 weeks in Aarhus Marina during the middle of the race, and in part a reminder of plastic pollution in the ocean.


Well, there was no better class to take part in this entry than our environmentally conscious PYP7 who are very facinated about the ocean and renewable energy. The wave was to raise awareness about plastic pollution affecting our seas as part of an effort in Aarhus around Sustainable Global Goal 13 all about climate change. It was also in celebration of the Ocean Race stopeover here in the city of Aarhus. They built their wave together as a class, demonstrating excellent team work skills, and sent it off for judgement.

….and they only went and won!

hey were one of five age groups whose wave entry won. And as a special treat, they were invited down to the harbour, where they got their photos taken with their sculpture, a small present each and then went on board a grand Dutch sailing boat where they were going to have a tour of the marina and beyond.


The students were so excited and waved with big grins on their faces as they headed out on their trip.
And that is not all. PYP 7 also made a book together about the waves in the ocean, which they also translated into some of the languages they speak in class and sold the book at the International Festival, the proceeds all going to help the refugee effort for Ukraine.
We are so proud of our global citizens in PYP7. They have demonstrated their caring, their respect, their global thinking and environmetally conscious caring for the world. Well done to PYP7 and Ms Faith, congratulations on being winners and enjoy your trip!!